Friday, February 21, 2020

History Today February 2020

THIS is the second issue of volume 70 of the popular - but not too-popular - history magazine.
Highlights include articles about slavery among native North Americans before and during the early days of white settlement, the disappearance of democracy in Hitler's Germany, and Anglo-Saxon place names.
History … highs and lows
Lowlights include this selection from a Q&A session with Dan Hicks, "professor of contemporary archaeology" at Oxford University.
What's the most important lesson history has taught you?
That anti-racism is more urgent than class war.
Normans or Anglo-Saxons?
What will future generations judge us most harshly for?
For allowing BP to art-wash their disaster-capitalist project in the 'world culture' galleries of the British Museum.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

More Frenchies

HAVE painted another batch of French line infantry for my Project Kaiser 54mm toy-soldier refight of the Franco-Prussian War.

A dozen new French foot on my kitchen work surface
They started life as Armies In Plastic ACW Union Marines, but I think take on their new role rather well.
Recruiting for Project Kaiser is moving along at a decent pace, but I still have to produce French artillery crews, paint two guns and create lots of scenery.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Two Very Different Mags

ONE magazine is strong on words, the other on photos - no prizes for guessing which is which when the magazines concerned are Slingshot and Toy Soldier Collector.
Two different magazines, but both with striking covers
I cannot say any article in Slingshot (issue 328 - January/February 2020) stood out for me, but all had points of interest to think about.
Toy Soldier Collector (issue 92 - February/March 2020) is a treat to simply flick through, which to be fair is mostly all I did.