Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Top-Notch Book

RACED through George Orwell's Homage To Catalonia - the most interesting book I have read for a long time.
For those who do not know, it tells of Orwell's time fighting for the revolutionary communists in the Spanish Civil War.
He survived, despite being shot in the throat, and also survived a purge of his 'Trotskyist' comrades and their anarchist allies by pro-Stalin communists.
The book is exciting, fascinating, moving and shocking in equal doses.
The biggest surprise is not that it sold so few copies on publication in 1938 - its anti-Moscow line was unpopular among those opposed to Franco's fascists - but that despite all he saw Orwell seems to have still believed the Left would win the war.
Oh, I forgot to mention it also has lots of humour.
Here is Orwell describing how his accommodation was searched while he was not there but his wife was:

The police conducted the search in the recognized Ogpu or Gestapo style. In the small hours of the morning there was a pounding on the door, and six men marched in, switched on the light, and immediately took up various positions about the room, obviously agreed upon beforehand. They then searched both rooms (there was a bathroom attached) with inconceivable thoroughness. They sounded the walls, took up the mats, examined the floor, felt the curtains, probed under the bath and the radiator, emptied every drawer and suitcase and felt every garment and held it up to the light. They impounded all papers, including the contents of the waste-paper basket, and all our books into the bargain. They were thrown into ecstasies of suspicion by finding that we possessed a French translation of Hitler’s Mein Kampf. If that had been the only book they found our doom would have been sealed. It is obvious that a person who reads Mein Kampf must be a Fascist. The next moment, however, they came upon a copy of Stalin’s pamphlet. Ways of Liquidating Trotskyists and other Double Dealers, which reassured them somewhat. In one drawer there was a number of packets of cigarette papers. They picked each packet to pieces and examined each paper separately, in case there should be messages written on them. Altogether they were on the job for nearly two hours. Yet all this time they never searched the bed. My wife was lying in bed all the while; obviously there might have been half a dozen sub-machine-guns under the mattress, not to mention a library of Trotskyist documents under the pillow. Yet the detectives made no move to touch the bed, never even looked underneath it. I cannot believe that this is a regular feature of the Ogpu routine. One must remember that the police were almost entirely under Communist control, and these men were probably Communist Party members themselves. But they were also Spaniards, and to turn a woman out of bed was a little too much for them. This part of the job was silently dropped, making the whole search meaningless.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Good Fortune

AS promised in an earlier post (, I bought the earlier of two books written by botanist Robert Fortune, having thoroughly enjoyed his later A Journey To The Tea Countries Of China.
The earlier book is an illustrated edition of Three Years' Wanderings In The Northern Provinces Of China.
Fortune went hunting flowers and other unusual (to Western eyes) plants in the 1840s, following China's partial opening up to foreigners after the First Opium War.
Although there is some sense of adventure, especially towards the end when he has to fight off pirates, this first book has less travel and less skulduggery compared to the second, when Fortune was effectively part of a plot to seriously undermine China's dominance of the tea trade.
Change of Fortune
However I am glad I read the books in the order that I did as, if I had read Three Years' Wanderings first, I probably would not have bothered seeking out A Journey To The Tea Countries, and that would have been a considerable miss.

Friday, April 23, 2021

New Editor - New Look

TOY Soldier Collector has a new Editor, along with a bigger typeface and increase in pagination.
April/May's TSC and March/April's Slingshot
Meanwhile the Society of Ancients' Slingshot continues to be my favourite wargaming magazine, with every article in issue 335 of interest to me.

Monday, April 05, 2021

Homage To Orwell

I CANNOT claim any connection with wargaming for my latest read, but George Orwell's Down And Out In Paris And London certainly has historical interest.
It took me less than a day to read Orwell's even-more famous Animal Farm at school, and not a great deal longer to read his Nineteen Eighty-Four when I was in my 20s.
Down And Out required the best part of a week, but mainly because I had limited time each day.
The book would not be harmed by leaving out the unsettling chapter two and the pontificating chapter 22, but otherwise I rate it on a par with his better-known novels.
All's well that is Orwell
It has inspired me to seek out Homage To Catalonia ...