Saturday, December 31, 2022

Empire: Turn Four (320-310 BC)

The Persian empire is effectively over (unless the Parthians can revive it later), but the Roman republic seems poised to launch one of its own
There is more bad news for Persia as Armenia revolts, reducing the once-great empire to single province, Pontus.
The Macedonians are drawn to go first. Alexander is no more, so they can only launch one campaign, but for the next five turns will have a +1 modifier as part of the great captain's legacy. They take the easy option and conquer independent Armenia on a roll of 6.
Carthage again tries to invade Magna Graecia, but is repulsed on a throw of 2.
The Persians try for a revolt in Parthia, but fail.
Rome expands for the first time by conquering war-weary Magna Graecia with a roll of 5.
A relatively uneventful turn, but it is hard to see how a clash between Rome and Carthage can be avoided

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