Thursday, August 15, 2024

Big Disappointment

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC'S Atlas Of The Bible, contrary to my expectations, proved a huge let-down.
The pithy summaries of key biblical stories are OK, but the maps are next-to-useless, and in many cases downright inaccurate.
Instead of showing the lay of the land when the events took place, the maps show modern coastlines and routes of rivers, etc.
In other words, any modern atlas could have done as well, and probably would be better, as the detail on the National Geographic maps is pretty sparse. 
The magazine is also liberally illustrated with photos of old paintings, which give a completely misleading impression of what life was like in biblical times, eg depicting men in Renaissance armour and clothing. 
Basically I feel as though I have been tricked into buying a cheaply produced cut-and-paste job.
I shall certainly be much more wary about purchasing future National Geographic publications.

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