Friday, September 13, 2024

Hebrew Chariots

I HAVE painted my first batch of 10mm chariots from Old Glory as part of my biblical project.
Two-horse chariots with two-man crews
They are painted to be suitable for Davidic, Solomonic and later Hebrew armies, and for their contemporaries.
The chariots certainly have a less-lightweight appearance than the Egyptian ones I obtained from Magister Militum, but are much easier to put together, and of course styles varied between nations and over the centuries.
I do not like the crews, which are moulded in one piece, but I suspect they will look fine from a distance as part of an army (the same could be said of my painting skills). 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Slingshot Issue 353

THE July/August edition of the journal of the Society of Ancients is even more than usually interesting.
Slingshot  - great issue
Highlights for me include the first part of a series on a battle in AD 685 between Northumbrians and Picts, the playthrough of a War of the Roses scenario for the society's new ruleset Blood Red Roses, a little-known way to temporarily base figures with museum wax, and a review of intriguing new ruleset Age Of Penda.