Turn One
We diced to see who would go first, with Lord Hall winning.
He ordered a general advance of his infantry and cavalry, and fired the catapult - but missed.
I left my forces in position and fired the bombard at Black's mounted knights. I missed them, but laid low a foot soldier advancing from further back.
Lord Hall's right flank...the first casualty can be seen lying prone to the rear |
Turn Two
Lord Hall continued his forces' advance. His catapult fired again ,but the force of the shot was absorbed by the logged trees by the river bank.
His lordship could be heard distinctly mumbling about having ended up on the wrong side of the battlefield.
The Black cavalry were now within range of my crossbowman, but he needed a 6 to score a hit, instead of the usual 5 at long range, as there was a hedge between him and his target. In the event, it did not matter as I rolled a lousy 1.
I also muffed the bombard's firing, with its shot rolling harmlessly along the top of the table and off the end.
Horsemen close in on Baron Spital's bombard |
Turn Three
The cavalry plunged into the river and the rest of Lord Hall's forces did their best to keep up.
This time he fired the catapult with extra vigour, but only succeeded in hitting my sitting-room radiator. We have not been able to find the shot ball - I guess it will turn up in due course.
I moved some of my knights forward to support the bombard which, firing at almost point-blank range, brought down one of the mounted knights. The force of the shot threw the horse and rider into the westernmost hedge, bringing that down too.
Close-up of the bombard's second success |
Turn Four
Showing a little desperation, Lord Hall fired a catapult shot over his men and into the ruined building. He did not hit any of my knights, but brought down my banner, meaning it cannot give any melee bonuses.
His surviving cavalryman crossed the river and rode down one of the bombard crew (rolling a 5 and a 1 against my man's 3).
One of the bombard crew is ridden down, while you can just see my downed banner in the ruined building |
My bombard could not fire as its crew were being meleed, but I moved some knights in position to hopefully pair up against the cavalryman next turn.
My crossbowman successfully fired at Lord Hall's banner carrier, but could only roll a 2 on the follow-up kill throw.
Turn Five
Lord Hall's catapult returned to its previously dismal record of misses, but his cavalryman rode down another of my knights (just: 3+2 v 3) and his bannerman bravely started to cross the footbridge.
Lord Hall's bannerman charges the footbridge |
My crossbowman, apparently getting nervous at the approaching Black forces, missed his shot. But there was a better result for me when I was able to get two knights to simultaneously melee the remaining cavalryman. They won the battle, killing the rider.
Turn Six
Lord Hall's bannerman charged into a knight I had sent forward to hold the bridge. Both men threw a 6, which meant my man was forced back 3" as the Black knight received a bonus of 1 for being with his army's banner.
The catapult crew tried another risky shot, aiming over their friends' heads at my bombard, knocking over one of my two-handed pikemen.
I could not mount the riderless enemy horse as the Grey figures have no riders, so instead I moved my victorious knights to man the bombard, ready to fire next turn.
Two of my knights confronted Lord Hall's bannerman, but their 3+1 was easily beaten by his 6, even without the banner bonus, so one of my knights was downed and the other forced back 3".
But my crossbowman raised his game, shooting dead the next Black knight that tried to cross the bridge.
A bird's eye view of the battle for the footbridge. Lord Hall is winning, at least for now, as Black's knights control both sides of the bridge |
to be continued
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