Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Pounding The Streets

POPPED into Poundland in Peckham yesterday on the off-chance I might find something useful, and was rewarded by spotting a jar of beads of the sort little girls use to make necklaces.
Fab find
At least, I assume that is what the beads are for - the good thing, as far as I am concerned, is that they are green.
As such they should make good markers for the grid for my Project Kaiser 54mm refight of the Franco-Prussian War.
My plan, as it stands, is to have a grid of 12x10 3in squares, and it turns out I have plenty of beads for this purpose.
The grid roughly laid out - more precision would be needed for the real thing
Unfortunately, contrary to what I thought, my wargames table is not quite 2ft 6in across, which means arranging 10 3in squares is a bit of a tight fit.
The second problem is that 3in may not prove big enough for my planned units of four infantrymen, two cavalrymen or a gun with four gunners.
The grid with some figures and not-to-scale scenery
Having written the above, I must say the units look better in the photo than they did when I hastily set them up this morning.
I shall have to give this some serious thought. One obvious solution would be to buy a second table - there would just about be enough room in my central London flat.

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