Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Set-Up

WE had a lot of fun using my random terrain generator to set up the table for its first battle.
The dice decreed two rivers, two hills and a built-up area, and we also let the dice decide where the rivers would flow, the size of the built-up area, etc.

Nearest the camera is the fast-flowing and high-banked Passer River, which turned out to be impassable to troops, and in the centre is the Einsamenhügel.
On the far side of the table is the spa town - little more than a village, really - of Bad Wörishofen, which is set on the Wörthbach River in the shadow of the Kneippberg.
The Wörthbach is impassable to artillery, except via the bridge, but can be crossed by infantry in one turn and cavalry in half a turn. Infantry would losing firing order while crossing.
The Kneippberg is steep, slowing troops to half speed, even while going directly downhill.
The Einsamenhügel is by no means so steep, slowing troops only by a third, and not at all if going directly downhill.
In practice, bearing in mind the size of the table, only the Einsamenhügel is likely to come into play.

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