Command & Control
This is straightforward for the Prussians.
In the centre, getting a 10-sided die for action points, are seven battalions of foot, three guns, two squadrons of horse and Frederick.
The Prussian centre in front of Gräbner Fuchs-Berg ... front row with the guns are (left to right) battalions of 1st and 2nd Johann von Hacke, Margrave von Brandenburg-Schwedt and Otto von Leps, with behind them battalions of Johann von Hertzberg, Samuel von Schlichting and Johann von Lehwaldt. Frederick is on a grey charger with the Margrave von Bayreuth Dragoons, and beside them are the Porzellan Dragoons |
On the Prussian right, getting a six-sided die for action points, are three cavalry squadrons, 1.5 battalions of foot and a unit of light infantry.
Prussian right ... front row are (left to right) the Red Hussars, King's Hussars, Hacke-Leps Grenadiers and Jäger von Noble light foot, supported by the Garde du Corps and a half-battalion of von Lehwaldt Grenadiers |
On the Prussian left, getting a six-sided die for action points, are five cavalry squadrons.
Prussian left ... front row are (left to right) von Buddenbrock Cuirassiers, Württemberg Dragoons and Margrave von Brandenburg-Schwedt Cuirassiers, supported by von Platen Dragoons and Prinz von Preussen Cuirassiers |
Command & control is somewhat different for the Austro-Saxons.
Although Charles of Lorraine was in overall command, the left wing, which comprised all the Saxons with support from some Imperialists, was commanded by the Saxon Duke of Weissenfels.
It consists of five infantry battalions, three cavalry squadrons and a gun, and will have a six-sided die for action points.
Austro-Saxon left ... leading the cavalry are the Saxon Sibilski Chevauxlegers followed by the Austrian Nagy Károly Hussars and the Saxon Adeliges Kadettenkorps. In the front row to the right of Pilgramshain are the Saxon Graf von Brühl and Königin Foot, with behind them the Prinz Xaver and Niesemeuschel Foot. The sole 'Austrian' battalion on the left is the Prié-Turinetti beside Günthersdorf |
The centre, stretching from Günthersdorf to Thomaswaldau, has six infantry battalions, two guns, a squadron of horse, a light infantry unit and Charles. It too will get a six-sided die for action points, as will the Austro-Saxon right, which has seven cavalry squadrons.
Austro-Saxon centre ... front row with the guns are battalions of (left to right) Prinz von Sachsen-Hildburghausen Foot, Los Rios-Deutschmeister Grenadiers and Baden-Baden Foot, with behind them the Los Rios Foot, Deutschmeister Foot, Karl von Lothringen Foot with Charles of Lorraine and Modena Cuirassiers, and grenzer light infantry |
Austro-Saxon right ... in the front line of horse are (left to right) Hohen-Ems Cuirassiers, Liechtenstein Dragoons and Sachsen-Gotha Dragoons, with behind them Kaspar von Cordova Cuirassiers, Eugen von Savoyen Dragoons and Fürst von Batthyány Dragoons. Lagging back to the right are Nádasdy Hussars |
The poorer command & control for the Austro-Saxons reflects their relative disorganisation and split command.
In addition, because Frederick is an exceptional general, he will get a +1 modifier for the action-points die in whichever sector he is in. He will also have a +1 modifier for deciding the initiative each turn, when attempting to rally a unit and when attached to a unit that has to take a morale test.
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