Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Battle Of Vimeiro In 3D - Turn Two


Situation after turn one
My three activation dice land two 5s and 1. I reroll all three, getting 6, 5 and 3.
I turn wildcard 6 into 4, and start in area 4 by ordering the forward infantry to fire at the French cavalry in Vimeiro. The three dice are decreased for the target being in cover, but I roll 5 and 2, causing the enemy unit to lose a base. The other infantry in area 2 advance diagonally right.
In area 3 the forward infantry fire at the same target, but get three dice as they are supported by Sir Arthur Wellesley. The dice land 6, 4 and 1, eliminating another enemy base and forcing the survivors to retreat from the village. My other units stand still.
A relatively quiet start
The AI's four activation dice are 5, 4 and two 3s. A 3 is rerolled, becoming 1.
In area 1 the infantry roll 4, advancing to be directly behind the village of Maceira.
In area 3 the forward infantry roll 5, advancing to the edge of the hill and firing at my cavalry. Their three dice are decreased for moving, but increased for being on higher ground, and they roll 6, 5 and 3. reducing my unit to one base. The middle infantry roll 3, advancing to the edge of the hill. The rearward infantry roll 4, advancing a hex.
In area 4 the cavalry roll 6, but this has no effect before turn six. The infantry roll 2, advancing a hex. General Junot advances diagonally right so as to be adjacent to three friendly units. The artillery roll 3, which has no effect.
In area 5 the forward infantry roll 3, advancing into the copse. The rearward infantry roll 4, advancing a hex.
Both armies lost two bases this turn - something the French can afford much more than the Allies

Monday, February 03, 2025

Battle Of Vimeiro In 3D - Turn One


Situation at the start
My plan is to take the hill next to Vimeiro, and use the high ground from which to attack the French left flank.
My three activation dice land 6, 3 and 1, which means that, by changing wildcard 6 into 2, I can activate the whole Allied army.
In area 3 I send all four infantry units diagonally forward to the right.
In area 2 the artillery advance to the edge of the hill, but cannot fire as guns cannot move and shoot in the same turn. The cavalry advance directly forward one hex, and then another hex diagonally right. Sir Arthur Wellesley follows them.
The AI's four activation dice land 6, 4 and two 2s. Wildcard 6 and a 2 are rerolled, becoming two 5s.
In area 2 the cavalry roll 2, but this only has an effect if there are enemy troops within three hexes. The forward infantry roll 5, meaning they want to move towards the nearest enemy. My artillery and cavalry are equally near, and neither is further up the map (the only tiebreak mentioned). I therefore roll a die with a 50:50 chance, the result being the infantry want to move towards my cavalry. Since moving straight down the map and diagonally left will bring them equally nearer my cavalry, they do the latter as they prefer moving obliquely. The rearward infantry roll 6, which has the same effect as rolling 5. They do not move as advancing diagonally left - their only option - would not bring them closer to my artillery, which are their nearest enemy.
In area 4 the cavalry roll 4, entering Vimeiro. The infantry also roll 4, advancing a hex. The artillery roll 3, which has no effect in this scenario. General Junot advances a hex to be adjacent to three friendly units.
In area 5 the forward infantry roll 2, but this only has an effect if Vimeiro is unoccupied. The rearward infantry roll 1, which has the same (non) effect as rolling 2.
The French have occupied the key village of Vimeiro

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Battle Of Vimeiro In 3D

THE Battle of Vimeiro is the fifth scenario in Mike Lambo's Battles Of Napoleonic Europe.
This is the scenario that, the first time I played it, I lost in seven turns.
I was so disgusted with my performance that I immediately replayed the scenario, winning comfortably.
As I wrote at the time: "My first playthrough made the Anglo-Portuguese victory condition seem extremely difficult, if not quite impossible. My second playthrough made the scenario look easy-peasy."
Presumably the truth lies somewhere between those two extremes, as we may discover with this third playthrough, using 10mm WoFun figures on a grid made from Hexon II hexes.
Map of the battlefield - the Anglo-Portuguese start from below the red dashed line

Battlefield in 3D
The human, in addition to Sir Arthur Wellesley, receives four units of infantry and one each of cavalry and artillery.
The Allied army

Here is how I set up in the first playthrough - spread across four activation areas

My setup in the second playthrough, using just two activation areas
This time I will be following the thinking behind my second setup, but with some units differently located.
To win I have to be occupying Vimeiro at the end of turn 10
The AI receives General Jean-Andoche Junot, eight units of infantry, two of cavalry and one of artillery.
The impressive-looking French army
The starting positions of the French infantry and artillery are fixed, but the location of the cavalry and general are decided by dice throws.
Both armies ready for the off
As usual I will write up the battle as it goes along.

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Ancient Knowledge

THE Dawn Of Israel: A History Of Canaan In The Second Millennium BCE is Lester Grabbe's follow-up to his Ancient Israel: What Do We Know And How Do We Know It?
I reviewed the latter last July very positively, and my general sentiments could just as easily apply to what might be called Ancient Israel 2.
Grab it - if you like a heavyweight read that is also entertaining and informative