Thursday, February 06, 2025

Battle Of Vimeiro In 3D - Turn Four


Situation after turn three
My three activation dice land 6 and two 3s. I reroll a 3, getting a second 6.
I turn wildcard 6s into 2 and 4, and start in area 2 by firing at the French cavalry who are directly ahead. The two dice are increased for being on higher ground, and increased again for firing at short range. The dice land 6, two 2s and two 1s, eliminating an enemy base.
In area 4 the infantry climb the hill and attack the French infantry. The four dice are increased for attacking at close range after moving, and they land two 6s, 5, 3 and 1, eliminating the French unit.
In area 3 the forward infantry advance diagonally right, the cavalry fallback two hexes diagonally right, the rearward infantry advance, and Sir Arthur Wellesley falls back one hex diagonally right.
My artillery is isolated, but otherwise the Allied army is starting to take Vimeiro Hill
The AI's four activation dice are two 6s and two 3s. The 6s and a 3 are rerolled, becoming 6 and two 5s.
In area 3 the forward infantry roll 1, advancing diagonally left to be nearer Vimeiro. The middle infantry roll 3, which means they should move straight down, providing they do not move from a hill to the plain. Since this is not possible, they remain where they are. The rearward infantry roll 3, advancing to the edge of the hill.
In area 5 the forward infantry roll 3, advancing onto the hill, from where they fire at the Allied infantry already there. The four dice are decreased for firing after moving, and land two fours and 3, forcing my men back two hexes. The rearward infantry also roll 3, advancing onto the hill.
The battle for Vimeiro Hill is about to start in earnest

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