Sunday, February 02, 2025

Battle Of Vimeiro In 3D

THE Battle of Vimeiro is the fifth scenario in Mike Lambo's Battles Of Napoleonic Europe.
This is the scenario that, the first time I played it, I lost in seven turns.
I was so disgusted with my performance that I immediately replayed the scenario, winning comfortably.
As I wrote at the time: "My first playthrough made the Anglo-Portuguese victory condition seem extremely difficult, if not quite impossible. My second playthrough made the scenario look easy-peasy."
Presumably the truth lies somewhere between those two extremes, as we may discover with this third playthrough, using 10mm WoFun figures on a grid made from Hexon II hexes.
Map of the battlefield - the Anglo-Portuguese start from below the red dashed line

Battlefield in 3D
The human, in addition to Sir Arthur Wellesley, receives four units of infantry and one each of cavalry and artillery.
The Allied army

Here is how I set up in the first playthrough - spread across four activation areas

My setup in the second playthrough, using just two activation areas
This time I will be following the thinking behind my second setup, but with some units differently located.
To win I have to be occupying Vimeiro at the end of turn 10
The AI receives General Jean-Andoche Junot, eight units of infantry, two of cavalry and one of artillery.
The impressive-looking French army
The starting positions of the French infantry and artillery are fixed, but the location of the cavalry and general are decided by dice throws.
Both armies ready for the off
As usual I will write up the battle as it goes along.

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