Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Refighting The Battle Of Pfaffenhofen (part four)

I rolled 6 (left) - 7 (centre) - 6 (right), and advanced all across the battlefield.
The Nagy-Károly Hussars sweep around Scheyern Abbey as the cavalry melee continues beyond the river and, in the distance, the Austrian main body closes on the Franco-Palatinate forces
In the cavalry melee my von Savoyen Dragoons inflicted two hits on La Reine Cavalerie. without suffering any hits in return. The cuirassiers negated one of the hits with a saving throw. They passed their morale test - just - and so did not lose further effectiveness but, having lost the melee. they had to retreat.
De Ségur rolled 4-5-1. He failed to rally the von Gschray Hussars, the attempt, which is compulsory, using up his one action point on the right. The hussars and La Reine Cavalerie had to retreat, the hussars covering almost 15cm thanks to the move-variation rule (they came up a little short of 15cm because the end of their move took them into the river). His artillery again scored a potential hit on my Deutschmeister-Los Rios Grenadiers, but again they suffered no ill-effects. The only other action point he used was to send the Count de Ségur towards the Franco-Palatinate right flank, presumably to try to rally La Reine Cavalerie, even though he has no hope of personally preventing the hussars from leaving the battlefield.
Only the Hohenzollern Dragoons remain in good order on the Franco-Palatinate right
I rolled 3-8-4. My moves included unlimbering the gun so it will be ready to fire next turn, and charging the Hohenzollern Dragoons with my Sachsen-Gotha Dragoons. On my right, three squadrons of horse closed in on two French squadrons.
Austrian right-wing horse thunder towards the French
In the melee on the other flank, my Sachsen-Gotha Dragoons scored two hits with their three dice (they only get three as they lost 25% effectiveness to the von Gschray Hussars), beating the Hohenzollern Dragoons, who could only score one hit. The Hohenzollern Dragoons did not suffer another hit due to failing a morale test, but had to retreat for losing the melee.
Three Franco-Palatinate squadrons on de Ségur's right flee and are pursued by two Austrian squadrons, with the Nagy-Károly Hussars hoping to join in
De Ségur rolled 4-4-2. He managed to rally the Hohenzollern Dragoons, but La Reine Cavalerie and the von Gschray Hussars continued fleeing, His gun again scored a potential hit on my grenadiers, but again it came to nothing. He sent the figure of his general to keep trying to intercept the retreating La Reine Cavalerie. The other two action points in the centre he used to swing the Touraine Foot to their right so they could fire at the von Savoyen Dragoons. They scored two hits, making my dragoons the first unit to be eliminated. and giving De Ségur some much-needed cheer.
On The French left the Mestre de Camp Général Dragoons charged my von Cordova Cuirassiers. The Languedoc Dragoons tried to do the same to the Batthyány Dragoons, but came up just short of making contact this half-turn (they would have need the move-variation +25% to reach my squadron). In the melee the Mestre de Camp Général Dragoons inflicted three hits to the cuirassiers' two hits, but the cuirassiers negated one of the hits on them with a saving throw, so the melee was tied.
Victory Points: the Austrian army has 28 of 29pts remaining; the Franco-Palatinate army has all 21pts remaining.
General view from behind the Franco-Palatinate lines at the end of turn four

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