Monday, October 21, 2024

Roliça in 3D - Turn Two

Situation at the start of turn two
My three activation dice land 5, 2 and 1. I am happy with my cavalry's positioning in area 5, so I reroll the 5, but get a second 1.
In area 1 I move the cavalry diagonally forward a hex so as to be out of the line-of-sight of the French artillery, and then straight forward into the stream, hoping to charge the guns next turn.
In area 2 my artillery fire at the French infantry that have just advanced onto the ridge. The dice land 5 and two 3s, meaning a hit, reducing the French unit to two-strength, which is shown by removing the unit's rearmost base. My infantry in area 2 move directly forward a hex.
After the Allied half-turn
The AI's four activation dice land 5, two 4s and 3. A 4 is rerolled, but becomes a second 3.
In area 3 the French cavalry roll 5, which has no effect until after turn two. The forward infantry roll 6, which means moving straight down, but they cannot do so as the relevant hex is occupied by friendly cavalry, so the infantry do not move. The rearward infantry roll 5, which also means moving straight down, and they can do so, climbing onto the ridge.
In area 4 the cavalry roll 1, which never has an effect for French cavalry in this scenario. The infantry roll 5, advancing onto the ridge.
General Delaborde's actions are never decided by dice throws. The relevant instruction for him here is to move diagonally down a hex to put himself adjacent to two friendly units. He chooses diagonally, rather than straight, down as he wants to remain further up the map.
There are no French troops in area 5, so that activation die is wasted.
End of turn two - the French present a compact mass, while the Allies look a little uncoordinated, but perhaps I will be able to launch a successful left hook