Friday, April 07, 2023

Four-Player Empire: Turn Four (320-310 BC)

Situation in 320 BC
The revolt dice fall on independent Cisalpina, meaning there is no effect.
The Persians are drawn first. They attack the Macedonian-controlled province of Persia, rolling 4, which is narrowly not enough as they suffer a -1 modifier for attacking a controlled province.
I am drawn second, again try to invade Sicilia, and again fail at sea; then Richard rolls a 5, again failing to consolidate ITALIA.
The Macedonians are drawn last. They no longer have Alexander, but for the next five turns receive a +1 modifier for having had a great captain no more than five turns ago,
They attack Armenia, rolling a 4, which is just enough as their +1 modifier cancels out the -1 modifier for attacking a controlled province.
The Macedonian empire continues to expand, and as yet there is no threat to their rear

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