Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Four-Player Empire: Turn Nine (270-260 BC)

Situation in 270 BC
The revolt phase sees newly conquered Bactria throw off Macedonian rule and become independent.
Carthage is drawn first. I can attack independent Gallia or Roman-controlled Magna Graecia. Both are outside Carthage's original empire, and so attract a -1 modifier. Gallia attracts a further -1, because of tribal unrest in the first 10 turns, but Magna Graecia also attracts -1 because it is a controlled province.
Since the chances are the same, I attack Magna Graecia, hoping to set back the Romans, but roll a miserable 1.
The Romans are up next, and they attack Sicilia, rolling a 5, which is enough, despite a -1 modifier for attacking a controlled province.
The Parthians fail to regain their homeland, rolling a 4.
That leaves the Macedonians, who attack Bactria, rolling a 3, which is not enough as they no longer get a +1 modifier for having had a great captain no more than five turns ago.
Rome is a sea-crossing away from the Carthaginian homeland province of AFRICA

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