Sunday, May 19, 2024

Reviving The Empire: Turn 10 (260-250 BC)

Situation in 260 BC
At the end of this turn we will be at the halfway point of the game, and that means the award of the first set of victory points since the tallies at the start.
But first the revolt dice land 2-6, meaning Persia throws off Parthian rule.
Andy's Romans are drawn first, but he again narrowly fails to conquer Sicilia, his throw of 4 being not enough thanks to the -1 modifier for attacking a controlled province.
Carthage retaliates by attacking Magna Graecia, but fails with a 2.
I try to regain Persia, but fail with a 1.
Finally, Richard's Macedonians roll a 3, failing to conquer Mesopotamia.
Carthage has four provinces, including two double-scoring capitalised provinces (AFRICA and IBERIA), scoring six points, taking its total to 18.
Rome has two provinces, including triple-scoring ITALIA, giving it four points.
The Macedonians have seven provinces (do not forget lonely Bactria), including double-scoring AEGYPTUS, giving them eight points.
The Persians/Parthians have three provinces, taking my score to 15.
How it looks with the halfway victory points added
There is a long way to go, but it is interesting to compare the halfway standings with our previous four games.

Current Game                       18                        15                         8                   4             45
Game Four                            17                        13                        11                  5             46
Game Three                          14                        16                          6                  5             41
Game Two                             17                        17                          9                  7             50
Game One                             17                        12                        11                  5             45

The Carthaginians are having their best start in our series, and the Romans are having their worst. The Macedonians do not look too healthy either, while my Persians/Parthians are doing OK.

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