Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Reviving The Empire: Turn 20 (160-150 BC)

Situation in 160 BC
This is the last turn, so it is a good time to look at the exact standings.
Carthage led at the halfway stage with 18 points, but currently has none to add.
My Persians/Parthians were second with 15 points, and currently have four provinces, which brings my total to 19 points.
Richard's Macedonians had eight points at the halfway stage, and currently have seven provinces, including Bactria in the east and the double-scoring AEGYPTUS, taking them to 16 points.
Andy's Romans had four points at the halfway stage, and currently have nine provinces, including double-scoring IBERIA and AFRICA, and triple-scoring consolidated ITALIA, taking them to 17 points.
It could hardly be much closer, but first the revolt dice land 5-2, meaning Cisalpina throws off Roman rule, taking Andy's score down to 16 points.
Richard's Macedonians are drawn first, and, seeing he cannot catch my Persians, he attacks Roman Graecia, but rolls 2.
Carthage fails to inspire a rebellion in its homeland.
Andy's Romans are next, and he reconquers Cisaplina with a 6, taking his score back to 17 points.
Finally, I attack Bactria, but roll a 3.
The end of the game, with all victory points added

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