Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Reviving The Empire: Turn Five (310-300 BC)

Situation in 310 BC
The revolt dice land 5-6, meaning Syria revolts from Macedonian rule.
Carthage is drawn first, attacking Magna Graecia with a roll of 5, but this is not enough as there are -1 modifiers for attacking a controlled province and for attacking outside of the original Carthaginian empire.
Andy is drawn next, and he counterattacks Sicilia, but his roll of 4 fails thanks to the -1 modifier for attacking a controlled province.
Richard's Macedonians fail to reconquer Syria, as a roll of 2 is not enough despite a +1 modifier for having had a great captain within the past five turns.
I fail to foment a rebellion in Parthia, so for the first time in this game a decade has passed without the map changing.

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