Friday, May 24, 2024

Reviving The Empire: Turn 15 (210-200 BC)

Situation in 210 BC
The revolt dice land 3-6, which has no effect as Pontus is already independent.
Rome with Scipio has five campaigns. Andy starts by rolling a 6 to consolidate ITALIA (thanks to Scipio, a 3 would have been enough). He then fails in an attack on Magna Graecia, rolling a 1. He then switches to Carthaginian-controlled Cisalpina, conquering it with a 3 (Scipio provides a +2 modifier). Gallia also falls, just (Andy rolls a 2), and then he switches back to Magna Graecia, also succeeding with a 2.
Carthage is up next. It gets a +1 modifier until 160 BC for having had a great captain no more than five turns ago. The Carthaginians attack Sicilia, the naval crossing succeeding with a 3, but the attack failing with a 2.
I am drawn next, and I finally conquer Mesopotamia with a 6.
Richard's Macedonians attack independent Pontus, also succeeding with a 6 (this would have been enough to take Mesopotamia, if he had gone for the longer-odds option).
Rome is on the march

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