Situation at the end of turn two |
My seven dice give three 6s, 5, 3, 2 and 1. Naturally I allocate one of the 6s to rally the fleeing muskets, and find good uses for all the other dice.
I could not have asked for a better set of dice |
Having rallied the muskets and advanced the pikes, I use my left-flank horse to charge the leading Royalist horse in that sector, needing 8+, reduced by three thanks to supporting musket units and a further one thanks to support from pikes (but note that the other Parliamentarian horse cannot provide support as it is adjacent to an enemy unit and therefore considered to be locked in combat). I roll 10, demoralising the Royalist unit and sending it off the battlefield.
My right-flank horse attack the horse opposite them, needing 8+, reduced by two thanks to support from muskets, a further one thanks to the right-flank pikes and yet one more thanks to my other horse. I roll 6, demoralising the enemy and forcing them back two hexes.
My left-flank muskets fire at the remaining Royalist horse, needing 9+, reduced by two thanks to support from both Parliamentarian horse units and a further one thanks to being uphill. I roll 5, one short of the score needed for a hit.
Royalists have been forced off Lansdowne Hill ... for the moment |
The undemoralised Royalist horse charge my left-flank horse, needing 8+, reduced by one thanks to support from a unit of muskets, but the roll is a miserable 2. The other surviving Royalist horse rally.
The leading right-flank Royalist muskets fire at the horse nearer them, needing 9+, reduced by one thanks to cavalry support. The roll is exactly the 8 needed for a hit.
The other right-flank muskets advance, but the left-flank ones remain in their wood.
The furthest-forward Royalist pikes charge my right-flank horse, fortunately doing so in such a way that they cannot get support from other pikes. But they do receive support from their right-flank horse as it is not pinned by my horse as mine are demoralised. That overall means 6+ is needed, and 8 is rolled, forcing my unit to flee two hexes to the edge of the battlefield.
The other two good-morale Royalist pike units advance, forming an attractive echelon, but their demoralised comrades fail to rally and so flee the battlefield.
Royalists have established a foothold on Lansdowne Hill |