Saturday, April 13, 2024

Battle Of Fuentes De Oñoro - French Playthrough: Turn Two

Situation after turn one
My activation dice are two 4s and 3. I reroll a 4, but it becomes another 3.
In area 4 my infantry fire at the advancing Allied cavalry. Their three dice are decreased for firing through trees, but increased for being on higher ground and next to the French commander. I roll two 6s and two 2s, reducing the Allied unit to one-strength. Marshal Masséna stays where he is, behind high ground.
In area 3 the forward infantry advance and fire at the Allied cavalry, their two dice reduced for moving. I roll 4, forcing the cavalry to fallback a hex. The rear infantry advance onto high ground, and the artillery remain where they are (they cannot fire at the infantry ahead of them due to the plateau effect of high ground).
The AI's activation dice land 4, 3 and two 2s. A 2 is rerolled, but does not change.
In area 2 the infantry roll 4, moving obliquely forward to the left to be nearer the French commander.
In area 3 the forward infantry throw 5, advancing. The rear infantry roll 4, advancing obliquely forward to the left to be nearer the French commander,
In area 4 the bloodied Allied cavalry roll 5, pluckily - foolhardily? - advancing into the single copse of trees near the French-occupied ridge. The forward infantry roll 4, advancing obliquely left. The rear infantry roll 3, climbing onto high ground.
[I forgot to physically move Wellington to Almeida last turn, but that has not affected the game. I have also turned over the artillery counters so both units are shown at full strength.]
With the exception of one unit of cavalry, the Allies are cautiously holding back, which may well be their best plan for defending Almeida

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