Monday, April 15, 2024

Battle Of Fuentes De Oñoro - French Playthrough: Turn Four

Situation at the end of turn three
My activation dice are two 6s and 3. I keep the 3, but turn the wildcard 6s into 4 and 2.
In area 3 the artillery fire at the Allied infantry opposite them, the three dice increased thanks to support from Marshal Masséna. I roll 4, two 3s and 1, forcing the infantry back a hex. Masséna stays where he is. The front infantry enter San Pedro and fire at the nearest Allied infantry wading the river. The four dice are decreased for moving, and I roll 6, 4 and 2, reducing the enemy to two-strength and forcing them back onto the hill. The rear infantry advance, as do the infantry in areas 2 and 4.
My infantry in San Pedro have cover, but are out on a limb
The AI's activation dice are two 2s and two 1s. One of each pair is rerolled, landing 4 and 1.
In area 1 the artillery roll 6, advancing.
In area 2 the infantry roll 1, withdrawing obliquely left in the direction of Almeida.
In area 4 the two-strength infantry cannot fire at my men in San Pedro because of the plateau effect of high ground. Instead they roll 4, meaning they move obliquely right towards the French commander. This puts them in position to fire at San Pedro, their three dice increased for being on higher ground, but decreased for moving and for the target being in cover. The AI rolls 6 and 3, reducing my unit to two-strength. The rear infantry roll 5, advancing.
The fighting around San Pedro could be pivotal for my chances of assaulting Almeida

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