Sunday, November 24, 2024

Battle Of Columbeira In 3D - Turn Eight


Situation at the start of turn eight
My three activation dice land 5, 3 and 1. I reroll the 5 and 1, getting wildcard 6 and 4 - more than enough to activate my whole army.
In area 3 my forward infantry fire at the artillery, the three dice increased for being next to Sir Arthur Wellesley, and I roll 5, 4 and two 2s, eliminating the one-strength enemy. My rearward infantry advance diagonally left and fire at the French in square. The four dice are decreased for shooting after moving, and for attacking from a stream hex, but increased for the target being in square. I roll 6, 3 and 1, inflicting one hit. My cavalry in area 3, taking care not to become engaged with the French in square, charge the one-strength enemy infantry, rolling 6, 5, two 4s, 3 and 2, eliminating the French unit.
In area 4 Wellesley advances in order to support the area-4 cavalry when they charge the solitary remaining French unit. Their six dice are increased for being on higher ground and for being next to the commander, but decreased by three for the enemy being in square. I roll four 6s and 3, emphatically bringing the battle to a close.


  1. Well played. It’s all too easy for you now!!

  2. It was a comfortable win, but I am well aware the next scenario is probably the toughest in the book ...
