Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Battle Of Cacabelos - French Playthrough: Turn Two

Situation at the end of turn one
My activation dice land 6, 3 and 2. I change the wildcard 6 into 4.
General Paget enters Cacabelos. The infantry in area 3 advance and fire at the forward British infantry in the river hex, their four dice being reduced for firing after moving, but increased for being next to the commander. I roll two 5s and two 2s, reducing the British unit to one-strength,
The forward infantry in area 2 advance and fire at the same target, the four dice being reduced for firing after moving. I roll 6 and two 3s, eliminating the enemy unit. The other infantry in area 2 advance.
The infantry in area 4 advance and fire at the remaining British in the river hex, the four dice being reduced for firing after moving. I roll 4, 3 and 1, forcing the British back a hex.
The British right suddenly looks a little bare
The AI gets 6, 3, 2 and 1. The 6 is rerolled, but becomes another 3.
The right-flank British infantry roll 1, which means they move a hex up the board, ie they pull back from the river's edge. The other infantry in area 1 roll 3 and so also pull back a hex. The artillery roll 6, which has no effect as they cannot move obliquely and put a French unit in range and line-of-sight.
General Paget rolls 1, which has no effect.
The forward infantry in area 3 roll 6, so they move obliquely left and fire at my right-flank infantry, their four dice being reduced for firing after moving. The dice land 6, 5 and 1, reducing my unit to one-strength. The other infantry in area 3 roll 2, meaning they pull back a hex.
The forward cavalry in area 3 roll 3, but that only has an effect if there is an enemy unit within three hexes. The other cavalry in area 3 roll 5, moving one hex forward obliquely left and then one hex straight down to put them nearer my forward infantry.
My early push on the right seems to have distracted the AI, although it could equally be argued the British are using the classical Theban ploy of refusing their right wing while trying to overwhelm on the other flank

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