Situation at the start of Turn Two |
My seven dice give me three 6s, three 3s and a 1. I re-roll two of the 3s in the hope of getting one more attack order, and they come up 6 and 3, which allows me to allocate all my dice profitably.
Dice allocated |
I start by firing the cannon unit at the lead cavalry in its line-of-fire. I need a 9+ for a hit, reduced by one thanks to support provided by the left-flank muskets. Unfortunately my two dice come up with a miserable 4.
The left-flank muskets fire at the same target, also requiring 9+, reduced by one thanks to support provided by the cannon. This time I roll an even-more miserable 3.
The left-flank pikes advance to try to protect the left-flank muskets, and I turn my attention to the right flank.
Advancing the more-backward pikes is a no-brainer, and I also advance the other right-flank pikes to charge the more-central of the two left-flank Parliamentarian cavalry units.
Pikes require 7+ for a hit, reduced to 5+ thanks to support from two units of muskets. I roll 8, demoralising the cavalry and forcing them to flee three hexes (the difference between my roll and the roll required).
One of my musket units is out of range of the remaining left-flank horse, but the other unit fires at them, requiring 9+, falling just one short.
My cause could have fared a lot better, but at least the Parliamentarian left-flank attack has been partially stalled |
The left-flank Parliamentarian cavalry do not have an adjacent unit to attack (the first desire of the AI), but are able to move adjacent to and charge one of my musket units.
Cavalry require 6+, and that is exactly what is thrown, demoralising my unit, but luckily for m,e not forcing it to flee as in that case it would have left the battlefield.
The further advanced right-flank cavalry are able to charge my left-flank muskets, rolling a 10, forcing them off the battlefield - first blood to the AI.
The other left-flank cavalry advance two hexes towards my demoralised right-flank muskets, but the demoralised Parliamentarian cavalry fail to rally and so leave the battlefield.
The further-advanced left-flank muskets fire at the pikes on the same vertical file, requiring 8+, reduced to 6+ thanks to support from two cavalry units. They score exactly 6, demoralising my pikes but, again luckily for me, failing to make them retreat as the pikes would have been forced off the battlefield.
The other left-flank muskets advance, but the right-flank muskets remain where they are. Both pike units advance.
This surely must count as a good turn for the AI - probably better than any turn in my refight of Edgehill |