Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Hopton Heath Play-Through: Turn Two

Situation at the end of turn one
My six dice give me two 6s, two 5s a 3 and a 2. I reroll the 5s, but get another 5 and a 6.
I use a 6 to rally the demoralised pikes, and I allocate the move-order dice to the other pikes and the more-forward cavalry, who are in danger of being attacked by two pike units.
I charge with units of pikes and horse
First I use the pikes to attack the cavalry further down the map, requiring 7+, but roll 3.
My cavalry then attack the other Royalist cavalry, requiring 8+, but reduced by one thanks to support from the pikes, and I roll 10, demoralising the enemy cavalry and forcing them to flee two hexes.
Now the AI replies
The further forward Royalist artillery fire at my pikes, but roll 7, one short of the score needed.
The other cannon unit fires at my horse, requiring 9+, increased by one thanks to firing through trees, but also roll 7.
The undemoralised cavalry attack my pikes, but roll 4, while the other cavalry rally on a throw of 5.
Again only the right-flank muskets advance, and only one pike unit advances.
The Royalist pikes look menacing but I have hopes of destroying an enemy cavalry unit

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