Friday, September 22, 2023

Cropredy Bridge Playthrough: Turn Two

Situation after turn one
My seven dice give me 5, two 4s, two 3s and two 1s.
I allocate the attack-dice to the artillery and muskets, and the move-dice to the remaining units.
I start by firing the artillery at the horse in their line-of-sight, needing 9+, rolling exactly 9, and so demoralising the Royalists.
Then the rearward muskets fire at the other Royalist cavalry unit, needing 9+, reduced by three thanks to support from two units of horse and one of muskets, but I roll 5.
The other musketeer unit fires at the same target, also needing 6+, but also roll 5.
Then my rearward horse charge the Royalists, needing 8+, reduced by two thanks to support from two units of muskets (my other horse cannot support as they cannot cross the bridge while it is occupied), and I roll 10, demoralising the Royalists and sending them fleeing to the edge of the battlefield.
Both my pike units move rightwards, and the unmoved horse stand pat.
I have captured a bridge and sent the Royalist horse fleeing, but my horse on the bridge are looking very vulnerable, especially as they have no retreat squares, a fact I have only just realised
Neither of the Royalist cavalry units rally (both rolled 1), so one exits the battlefield and the other comes within one turn of doing so.
The foremost Royalist muskets fire at my horse on the bridge, needing 9+, reduced by one thanks to support from another unit of muskets, but roll 5.
That other unit of muskets fires at the same target, also needing 8+, and they roll 9, eliminating my horse.
The rearward Royalist muskets again stand still, but two of the pike units advance.
The river still divides the two armies (and I have remembered to move on the turn counter)

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