Sunday, February 04, 2024

Battle Of Talavera - Allied Playthrough: Turn Nine

Situation at the end of turn eight
My activation dice land 6, 5 and 4, so, by turning the wildcard 6 into 3, I am able to activate the whole Allied army.
In area 5 I obliquely advance my right-flank infantry, although their arc-of-fire does not include the left-flank French infantry. Sir Arthur Wellesley moves obliquely backwards to the left so as to be adjacent to both friendly units in the wood. The infantry in Talavera advance.
In area 4 the forward infantry fire at the left-flank French infantry, their three dice being increased thanks to the presence of Sir Arthur and for the target being in square. However I roll three 3s, 2 and 1. The other infantry in the wood fire at the same target, their two dice being increased by two for the same reasons. This time I roll 6, two 4s and 3, eliminating the French unit.
My three-strength cavalry advance two hexes and attack the French commander. I roll 6, two 3s and 2, killing him. My other cavalry charge what is now the left-flank infantry. My five dice are decreased by three because the infantry are in square. I roll 4 and 1, which does not cause the enemy to retreat as infantry in square never do.
The Allied cause is in the ascendency
The AI's activation dice are 6, two 4s and 2. The 4 is rerolled, but not the 6 as the French commander is dead, and becomes another 2.
In area 2 the forward infantry do not have a target, but the two-strength middle infantry fire at the cavalry next to them. Their two dice are decreased by one for being in square (a 50:50 die roll decided -1 rather -2). The die lands 2. The other infantry stay in square, but do not have a target.

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