Saturday, February 10, 2024

Battle Of Talavera - French Playthrough: Turn Three

Situation at the end of turn two
My activation dice are two 5s and 2. I reroll the 5s, getting 6 and another 2. I change the wildcard 6 into 3.
In area 2 the forward infantry fire at the cavalry opposite them, the three dice being increased thanks to being next to the French commander. The dice land 5, 4, 3 and 2, reducing the Allied unit to two-strength and forcing it back a hex. The other infantry move forward obliquely into trees.
In area 3 the infantry on the high ground fire at the Allied infantry in range. The two dice are increased for being on higher ground and for being next to the commander, resulting in two 5s and two 3s, reducing the Allied unit to one-strength. The artillery fire at the infantry opposite, the two dice being increased for being next to the commander, but I roll two 3s and 2.
The immediate danger of an Allied unit crossing the Portiña has receded
The AI's activation dice are four 6s. All are rerolled, becoming 6, twos 3s and 2.
In area 2 the infantry fire at my cavalry in Talavera, their three dice being decreased for the target being in cover. The dice land 6 and 4, reducing my unit to two-strength and forcing it back a hex. The cavalry roll 3, advancing two hexes into the Portiña. 
In area 3 the artillery fire at my infantry on the high ground, their three dice being increased for being next to Sir Arthur Wellesley. The dice land 6 and three 2s, eliminating my unit. The infantry roll 1, advancing a hex. Sir Arthur advances obliquely to be adjacent to two friendly units.
A critical half-turn is upcoming

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