Sunday, March 24, 2024

Battle Of Sabugal - French Playthrough: Turn Two

Situation after turn one
My activation dice land 6, 5 and 3. I turn the wildcard 6 into 2, meaning I can activate the whole French army.
In area 3 the middle infantry advance into the trees and fire at the cavalry ahead of them. Their three dice are decreased for having moved, but I roll 6 and 4, reducing the cavalry to two-strength and forcing them back a hex. Marshal Masséna advances a hex, and the cavalry advance obliquely right and then straight forward. I decide to leave the other infantry where they are as advancing and firing through trees is unlikely to be successful.
In area 2 my artillery fire at the infantry directly ahead of them. Their three dice are increased for being on higher ground and for being next to the French commander. I roll a disappointing 5, 3, two 2s and 1, reducing the Allied unit to two-strength. The forward infantry advance a hex, and the other infantry advance obliquely left.
The AI's activation dice are two 5s, 2 and 1. A 5 is rerolled, becoming 4.
In area 1 the infantry roll 1, which has no effect.
In area 2 the infantry also roll 1, as do the cavalry - again no effect. Sir Arthur Wellesley cannot move to a hex that would put him adjacent to more friendly units than is currently the case, and so remains where he is.
In area 4 the cavalry roll 4, advancing straight down two hexes to approach the nearest French,
In area 5 the forward infantry roll 2, advancing a hex. The cavalry roll 1, which has no effect. The artillery roll 6, advancing a hex. The backward infantry roll 6, but cannot move straight down.
Allied troops have crossed, or are poised to cross, the red dashed line in large numbers

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