Monday, March 25, 2024

Battle Of Sabugal - French Playthrough: Turn Three

Situation after turn two
My activation dice are two 6s and 1. I reroll the 1, but it remains 1. The wildcard 6s I turn into 2 and 3.
In area 2 my artillery fire at the Allied infantry directly ahead, their three dice being increased for being on higher ground and for being next to the French commander. I roll two 6s, 5, 2 and 1, eliminating the Allied unit. Both my units of infantry advance a hex.
In area 3 my infantry in the trees fire at the two-strength cavalry three hexes away, their three dice being increased for being next to Marshal Masséna, I roll 6, 4, 3 and 2, reducing the enemy unit to one-strength and forcing it obliquely back. My middle infantry advance a hex and fire at the Allied infantry sheltering behind trees. The four dice are decreased for moving, but there is no further deduction as the angle of fire does not pass through any cover. I roll 5 and two 2s, reducing the Allied unit to two-strength. The backward infantry advance.
The Allies are first to lose a unit, but their array still looks formidable
The AI's activation dice land 4, 3, 2 and 1.
In area 1 the infantry roll 1, which has no effect as they are not below the red dashed line.
In area 2 the one-strength cavalry roll 1, which has no effect as there is no enemy within three hexes. The three-strength cavalry also roll 1, and so also stand still. Sir Arthur Wellesley remains adjacent to three friendly units.
In area 3 the forward infantry fire at the French directly ahead. Their four dice are decreased for firing through trees, and they roll a miserable 2 and two 1s. The other infantry roll 6, advancing a hex.
In area 4 the infantry return fire at my unit that shot at them earlier this turn, rolling 6, 5 and 3, reducing my unit to one-strength.
The armies are still some way apart

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