Friday, March 29, 2024

Battle Of Sabugal - French Playthrough: Turn Seven

Situation after turn six
My activation dice are two 5s and 3. I reroll the 5s, getting 1 and another 5.
In area 1 my infantry resume their long-range shooting duel with the one-strength Allied infantry, rolling 6 and 3, eliminating the enemy unit.
In area 3 I elect to keep my infantry in cover, while trying to eliminate the last remaining Allied cavalry unit. The three dice are increased for being next to Marshal Masséna, but I roll 3 and three 1s. Masséna falls back obliquely left to take cover.
For the first time in the battle I have been thrown onto the defensive
The AI's activation dice are three 5s and 4. Two 5s are rerolled, becoming 3 and another 4.
In area 3 the three-strength infantry fire at my unit in the trees near them. Their four dice are reduced for the target being in cover, and they roll 6, 3 and 1, reducing my unit to two-strength. The one-strength infantry fire at the same target, their two dice reduced for the target being in cover, and they roll 1.
In area 4 the cavalry advance obliquely right (decided by die roll over advancing straight down) and charge my men in the trees. Their four dice are reduced for the target being in cover, and they roll a miserable two 2s and 1. The infantry fire at the same target, their two dice reduced for the target being in cover. They roll 3.
In area 5 the forward infantry roll 5, advancing. The rear infantry roll 5, advancing. That clears a path for the artillery to fire at my same put-upon men in the trees, their three dice reduced for the target being in cover. They roll two 1s.
My right-flank infantry enjoyed, on the whole, a charmed life that half-turn

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