Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Battle Of Vimeiro - French Playthrough: Turn Five

Situation after turn four
My activation dice land 6, 3 and 1. I reroll the 1, but get another 3. I turn the wildcard 6 into a 2, and start by using the infantry in area 2 to fire at the three-strength enemy on Vimeiro Hill. My four dice land 6, 5, 4 and 1, reducing the Allied unit to one-strength and sending it back a hex.
General Junot moves to behind the artillery, which then shoot at Sir Arthur Wellesley. The two dice are increased for being on higher ground and for being next to the French commander, and I roll two 6s and two 1s, killing Wellesley. The infantry in area 3 advance to the edge of the high ground.
The French have regained the ground lost in the last half-turn, and it is probably time I thought about moving on Vimeiro 
The AI gets 6, two 5s and 1. The 6 cannot be rerolled as the Allied commander is dead, but the 5 is rerolled as 2.
The infantry in area 1 roll 3, meaning they advance to the edge of Vimeiro Hill and fire at my infantry on the high ground (decided by tiebreak, this target being further up the map than the infantry next to them on lower ground). The two dice are reduced for firing after moving, but increased for being on higher ground, and they roll 5 and 3, reducing my unit to two-strength.
The other infantry on Vimeiro Hill descend from the high ground and fire at the same target, but with only one die as they are no longer on higher ground. However they roll 6, reducing my men to one-strength. The other infantry in area 2 advance onto Vimeiro Hill, but the cavalry again stand still as they roll 6, which only comes into play after turn five.
The infantry in area 5 roll 1, which means they move obliquely right to be nearer Vimeiro, and they fire at my one-strength infantry near Maceira. Their four dice are increased for being on higher ground, but decreased for firing after moving, and they get 5, two 3s and 2, eliminating my unit.
A good half-turn for the Allies - they at last eliminated a French unit, and Vimeiro is not looking so vulnerable to a French takeover

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