Thursday, November 02, 2023

Battle Of Vimeiro - French Playthrough: Turn Six

Situation after turn five
My activation dice are two 3s and 1. I reroll the 1 and a 3, getting 5 and 4.
My infantry on the hill fire at the enemy infantry by Vimeiro. Their two dice are increased by being on higher ground and by being next to General Junot. I roll 6, 5 and two 1s, eliminating the Allied unit. My artillery fire at the enemy artillery, their two dice being increased for being on higher ground and for being next to the commander. I roll two 6s, 5 and 1, eliminating the Allied artillery.
Junot advances to behind the area 4 infantry, so he adds one to their dice total when they fire at the infantry opposite them. I roll two 6s, 3 and two 2s, reducing the enemy to one-strength.
My cavalry fall back two hexes as part of a manoeuvre to head for Vimeiro.
I have almost as many units as the AI, which experience suggests is a very good sign, but there is still the question of securing Vimeiro and being in physical occupation at the end of turn 10
The AI's activation dice are 5, two 2s and 1. A 2 is rerolled, but comes up another 5.
The forward infantry on Vimeiro Hill fire at my infantry next to the artillery. Their two dice are not increased for being on higher ground as both units are on a hill. They roll 4 and 1, forcing my unit to withdraw a hex.
The other infantry on Vimeiro Hill advance and fire at the enemy nearest them. Their four dice are increased for being on higher ground, but decreased for firing after moving. They roll a miserable two 3s, 2 and 1. The cavalry advance two hexes to the edge of Vimeiro village.
That ends the AI's turn as there are no units in area 5.
The Anglo-Portuguese are strongest just where I do not want them to be, ie around Vimeiro

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