Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Battle Of Corunna - French Playthrough: Turn Nine

Situation at the end of turn eight
My activation dice land 4, 3 and 1. I reroll the 3 and 1, but get 3 and 2.
I start by advancing both units in area 3.
Then my infantry in area 4 ascend the high ground and fire at Sir John Moore. My two dice are increased for being on higher ground, but decreased for moving and for firing at a target in cover. I roll 3.
The British commander is perhaps fortunate to be alive
The AI gets 6, 5 and two 3s. The 6 and a 3 are rerolled, but become useless a 4 and 5.
The forward infantry in area 3 are within three hexes of French cavalry, and so form square before firing at my infantry on the high ground. Their four dice are increased for being next to Sir John but decreased by two (a 50:50 roll decided -2 over -1) for being in square. The dice land 4 and two 2s, forcing my unit off the high ground. The other infantry in area 3 hold their ground, and Sir John stays in Coruña.
The French still have a chance of eliminating Sir John before the end of turn 10

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