Sunday, March 19, 2023

Sourton Down Play-Through: Introduction & Turn One

THE Battle of Sourton Down in April 1643 was an ambush by Parliamentarians under Sergeant-Major-General James Chudleigh against a much larger Royalist force commanded by Sir Ralph Hopton.
Most of the Royalist army was routed by a small number of Parliamentarian horse, but support from Parliamentarian foot was lacking after the latter came under fire from Royalist artillery.
The Parliamentarians retreated because they knew they were still heavily outnumbered despite their early successes, while the Royalists also retreated, not realising their numerical superiority.
In Mike Lambo's refight the human commands a Parliamentarian force consisting of three units of horse, two of pikes and two of muskets.
I have gone for a historical set-up with cavalry to the fore
The AI has four units of pikes, three of muskets and two of artillery. As usual the AI's set-up is decided by dice.
Royalist muskets and cannons look well-protected by pikes
The human wins by forcing from the field, or demoralising, every Royalist unit before the end of turn 10, and I will write up the game turn by turn.
My seven dice give me 6, 5, four 4s and 1 - not much use since 4-5-6 are attack orders, and on turn one I need move orders, ie 1-2-3.
I re-roll the 4s, getting 6, 5, 3 and 1, giving the move orders to the pikes and the furthest-back horse.
A slow start
The righthand Royalist artillery fire at the pikes I rather carelessly moved into their line of fire, requiring 9+ from the usual two dice to score a hit (increased from 8+ thanks to firing through trees), but throw 4.
The lefthand artillery move one hex to the right to put them on the same column of hexes as a Parliamentarian unit of horse.
Only one musket unit advances, but the three righthand pike units advance obliquely to the right, effectively preventing Parliamentarian cavalry from rushing along high ground to try to outflank them and get at the muskets and cannon.
Situation at the end of turn one

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