Sunday, July 30, 2023

Battle Of Roliça - French Playthrough: Turn Nine

Situation at the end of turn eight
My three dice give me 6, 5 and 4. Since my commander is dead, I cannot count the 6 as a wildcard, so I reroll it and the 5, but get another 6 and 2.
My infantry climb the ridge and charge the French horse, their two dice being increased by one for meleeing after moving and another one for being on higher ground, but I roll 3 and three 1s.
The AI's four dice are 4, two 2s and 1. It rerolls one 2, but gets 6.
The forward infantry in area 1 have no target within their arc of fire, They roll 1, meaning they move nearer my artillery, and they do this by moving obliquely backwards so as to be in range and line of sight. Their two dice land 4 and 1, forcing my artillery off the ridge. The other infantry in area 1 roll 3, but stand still as they cannot move nearer the objective hex.
The allied artillery roll 6, and so move into the trees.
The cavalry attack my remaining infantry, their four dice being increased by one thanks to the nearby presence of Wellesley. The dice land 4, 3 two 2s and 1, forcing my men back a hex.
Wellesley moves two hexes towards the objective, which puts him on the ridge, from where he attacks my infantry. His four dice are increased by one thanks to being on higher ground, and he rolls two 6s, two 5s and 4, well and truly eliminating my unit.
The allied infantry in area 4 roll 1, meaning they advance into trees.
To win the game my artillery need to occupy the objective hex and somehow hold out for a turn against allied attacks

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