Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Battle Of Vimeiro - Allied Playthrough: Turn Four

Situation after turn three
My activation dice are 5, 3 and 2, which I keep.
I start by firing my one-strength artillery. My one die is increased for being on higher ground and for firing at close range. I roll 4, 2 and 1, forcing the cavalry in the river back a hex.
My infantry in area 3 fire at the French infantry opposite them. My two dice land two 5s, reducing the French to one-strength.
My cavalry charge the left-flank French infantry. My six dice are increased for being on higher ground, and I roll 6, two 5s, 4 and three 3s, eliminating the enemy unit. The infantry in area 5 advance a hex, but cannot fire thanks to the plateau effect of being on a hill.
Vimeiro Hill is firmly in Allied possession - for now
The AI's activation dice land 6, 4, 3 and 1. The 6 is rerolled, becoming 5.
The French in Maceira fire at my artillery. Their three dice land 5, 3 and 1, eliminating my one-strength unit.
The one-strength infantry in area 3 fire at the Allied infantry opposite them. Their two dice land 4 and 1, forcing my unit back a hex. The middle infantry in area 3 are instructed to move straight down, but only if that does not mean leaving higher ground, which it would here. The other unit in area 3 does descend from the high ground.
The infantry in area 4 advance a hex, but the cavalry roll 6, meaning they only move if it were later than turn five. General Junot advances a hex to be adjacent to four friendly units. The artillery roll 1, which has no effect.
The infantry in area 5 fire at my cavalry. Their three dice are increased for being next to the commander, and they land two 4s, 2 and 1, forcing my unit back two hexes.
My infantry on the high ground below the red dashed line are looking very misplaced

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