Friday, October 13, 2023

Battle Of Vimeiro - Second Allied Playthrough: Turn Six

Situation after turn five
My activation dice are 4 and two 3s. I reroll a 3, getting a wildcard 6, which I turn into 5.
My forward infantry in area 3 fire at the French opposite them, rolling 6, 5, 3 and 1, reducing the French unit to one-strength. The other infantry in area 3 advance obliquely right.
Wellesley surmounts Vimeiro Hill and bravely - foolhardily? - charges the French on the hill, rolling 4, two 2s and 1, forcing the French off the hill. My infantry on the hill charge the French directly in front of them. Their four dice are increased for meleeing after moving, for being on higher ground and for being next to the commander, rolling two 6s, 5, 4, two 3s and 2, eliminating the French unit.
My cavalry charge the Fremch who have just retreated from Vimeiro Hill. Their four dice are increased for being on higher ground and for being next to the commander, but I roll three 3s, 2 and two 1s.
The French are certainly not having it all their own way, despite some appalling dice throwing by me
The AI's activation dice are two 4s and two 3s. One of each duplicate is rerolled, but both come up 4.
The French cavalry on the hill roll 6, which since we are past turn five means the unit moves nearer to Vimeiro and occupies it (I am taking "Move nearer" to include entering the village). The cavalry attack my infantry on Vimeiro Hill, rolling two 4s and three 2s, forcing my unit to retreat off the hill. The one-strength infantry fire at my infantry opposite them, their two dice being increased for being on higher ground and for being next to General Junot. They roll 4, 2 and two 1s, forcing my men back a hex. Junot comes down from high ground so he is adjacent to three friendly units.
The infantry in area 4 roll 3, but cannot move straight down. The artillery roll 3, which has no effect.
As fighting rages in the Vimeiro neighbourhood, neither side's artillery are contributing much

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