Saturday, October 28, 2023

Battle Of Vimeiro - French Playthrough: Setup & Turn One

IN this scenario from Mike Lambo's Battles Of Napoleonic Europe I take on the persona of General Junot, who has four units of infantry and one each of cavalry and artillery.
The French, advancing from the bottom of the map, win if they are occupying Vimeiro at the end of turn 10
There seems no point in rushing for Vimeiro.
Instead I plan to menace it, and any Anglo-Portuguese near it, from the hill in my half of the map.
Space for the French to deploy below the blue dashed line is rather small, meaning troops must be spread over at least three areas 
The AI, in addition to Sir Arthur Wellesley, gets seven units of infantry, two of cavalry and one of artillery.
The Allied setup is largely predetermined, but cavalry could have ended up in any areas, so it is interesting that both units start on flat ground between the two pieces of high ground in the top half of the map
My activation dice are 4 and two 3s. I reroll a 3, but get another 3.
I advance the infantry and artillery straight forward, and move Junot onto high ground.
The AI's four dice land 6, 4, 3 and 1. The 6 is rerolled, but becomes another 4.
The infantry in area 1 advance, obliquely in the case of the further-forward unit.
The cavalry in area 3 roll 6, which has no effect on the first five turns. The infantry in area 3 advance, but the artillery roll 1, which has no effect.
Both infantry units in area 4 advance, obliquely left in the case of the further-forward unit. Wellesley moves obliquely right, putting him adjacent to three units.
A quiet start, as is to be expected

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