Monday, October 16, 2023

Battle Of Vimeiro - Second Allied Playthrough: Turn Nine

Situation after turn eight
My activation dice are 6, 4 and 1. I reroll the 1, getting 2, and I change the wildcard 6 into 5.
My artillery fire at the infantry opposite, their three dice being increased by one for being on higher ground and by two for firing at short range. I roll 6, 4, three 3s and 2, barely eliminating the French unit.
The three-strength infantry in area 4 advance and fire at the French behind Vimeiro, Their three dice are increased for being on higher ground and for being adjacent to Sir Arthur Wellesley, but decreased for firing after moving. I roll 6, two 5s and 3, eliminating the French unit. My other infantry in area 4 enter Vimeiro and fire at General Junot. Their two dice are decreased for firing after moving, but I roll 6, killing the French commander.
My cavalry attack the infantry opposite them, their four dice being increased for being on higher ground and for being next to Wellesley. I roll two 5s, two 4s, 3 and 2, reducing the French to one-strength and sending them back to the edge of the battlefield. Wellesley moves to behind Vimeiro.
Suddenly the French look well-beaten
The AI gets 5, 2 and two 1s. A 1 is rerolled, but stays 1.
The French cavalry roll 5, meaning they at last leave the shelter of the trees and move towards Vimeiro, their exact route being decided by tiebreaks since their desired vertical moves would not take them closer to the village.
The forward infantry fire at my men in Vimeiro, their two dice being reduced because the target is in cover, and they get 2. The other infantry fire at the same target, but also get 2.
The battle is not quite over as I have to be physically occupying Vimeiro at the end of the next turn, and that is not certain

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