Sunday, October 22, 2023

Marston Moor Playthrough: Turn Three

Situation after turn two
Would you believe it? Having rolled four unwanted 6s last turn, and getting another two when I rerolled them, my seven this turn dice give me four 4s, 5, 3 and 1, and not a 6 with which to rally a fleeing unit.
Naturally I reroll the 4s, getting 6, 5 and two more 4s.
I use the 6 to rally the fleeing horse, but have to let the demoralised pikes exit the battlefield.
I give move-orders to my muskets on the same file as enemy artillery, moving my men to the right, and use the other move-die to charge the Parliamentarian right-flank horse, needing 8+, reduced by one thanks to support from another unit of horse, and I roll 10, demoralising the enemy and sending them fleeing three hexes.
At this point I suddenly realise I earlier mistakenly advanced the Parliamentarian right-flank artillery while moving them, something that is not allowed as artillery must stay on the back row of hexes.
The AI is about to have its third turn, with the position of the Parliamentarian right-flank artillery corrected
Neither artillery unit has a target in its line-of-sight, so both move to their left (the right-flank artillery moving first).
The Parliamentarian left-flank horse charge my horse in the trees, needing 8+, increased by one thanks to cover, but roll 6.
The demoralised Parliamentarian horse fail to rally (rallying for the AI requires a throw of 5 or 6) and so leave the battlefield.
The furthest-forward Parliamentarian muskets fire at my further-forward left-flank horse, needing 9+, but roll 7.
The other Parliamentarian muskets stand still, as do all but the rearmost Parliamentarian pikes, who advance one hex obliquely to their right.
I already feel like throwing in the towel

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